twinsMiss Chrissy here!

The Whimsies are always commenting in this new section, The Wonderful World of Whimsies, but now it’s my turn to say something! I always keep a close eye on the Ebay Adoption Agency, to see if there are any poor Whimsies out there that need a good home, and might be a welcome addition to our little family here in Whimsieville. Today I saw these TWINS at the Adoption Agency, and aren’t they adorable?

I love those cute little outfits, and the red ribbons in their hair. They look like a couple of ragamuffins, but so comfortable and contented. And I love the way they’re just walking along, like they haven’t got a care in the world, with those great big grins upon their silly faces. How could anybody resist them?

How wonderful for them to be able to stay together! I almost wish we could take them in here, but I’m not sure if that might not be too much new Whimsie energy coming in here all at once! Well..they both look so healthy and happy, I’m sure they will have no problem at all getting adopted by a nice family.

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