spring2A few weeks ago, I reported how I put on a Winter coat and our new shoes to head outside to listen to the first birds of Springtime. Today was the official first day of Spring, and the weather was so beautiful, and so Spring-like, that we asked Miss Chrissy if we might go outside, and she readily agreed. Miss Chrissy was hanging some towels to dry in the bright sunshine, so we figured if that sunshine was good enough for towels, it was good enough for us as well!

We got out of our jammies and took off our woolen hats and had a fun time sorting through our Wardrobe for weather-appropriate clothing to wear into the sunshine. As you can see here, we are all dressed in comfortable pants and light, short-sleeved tops. I’m wearing those orange pants we got a short while ago, and a cute little cotton hat with a blue checkered pattern on the rim. And you’ll also notice that even though we love our shoes, today we decided to venture outside with NO SHOES!! It was just that kind of day, so beautiful, warm and pleasant.

Mr. Squee also loves going outdoors, lifting his nose to sniff the fresh breeze. He likes to sit in the sunshine quite a bit, and oddly, eat bits of dry, dead grass. None of us understand that, but then…to each his own, I guess.

I guess it might be time to put away our Winter clothes for a while, and start thinking about dressing cooler and lighter. And, oh! We have so many beautiful warm-weather hats to show you! Every season has its own pleasures, and I guess we’re all just about ready to see the end of this Winter, and start thinking about longer, warmer days. Hello, Spring!



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