WHIMTREEWell, last night the Whimsies finally got around to talking about the latest episode of Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD. Did it really take them four days? Yes. But as you’ll see from this conversation, it’s not so much because they’re still upset about it, but more because they’ve been excited about other things. This show is only one of many things they have on their mind. But it is on their minds, and this is what they have to say about it.

As usual, I came in somewhere in the middle of the conversation…

TRIXIE. …keeps reminding us it’s JUST a show. So we shouldn’t really get that upset about it.

TILLIE. She’s right, you know. Agent Coulson isn’t a real person, so no one’s really been kidnapped.

TESSIE. (rolling her eyes) I realize that, Till. We all realize that. But still, it doesn’t make it any less upsetting. I don’t like that it happened.

TILLIE. Neither do I! Although, you know what? I think one good thing is going to come out of this, at least.


TRIXIE. I know what she’s talking about! You mean because based on the coming attractions, it looks like maybe at last we’re gonna to find out what really happened to Agent Coulson, how it is that he was dead, and now he’s alive again.

TESSIE. Ooh, ooh! You’re right! That’s what the bad guys want with him, why they kidnapped him. And we see some scenes that show us stuff that make us think the show is finally going to deal with that.

TILLIE. Yeah, but do you think they REALLY will? I mean, it’s a big mystery, and they keep dropping hints. But if they solve the mystery, isn’t that going to..welll…take some of the mystery out of the show?

TRIXIE. It will. But if I know Marvel Comics, where some mystery goes out, more will come in. I don’t think it will get dull after this.

TESSIE. Yeah! Not dull at all! In fact, too exciting! At least for us Whimsies, it’s too exciting. I mean, we’re used to reading exciting stories in books, and seeing exciting movies, but with books, it all seems just a little less than real, cos you can tone it down in your imagination if you want. And with movies, it’s exciting, but then in a couple of hours it’s over, and you know what happened. But here! We see what’s happening, we CAN’T tone it down, and we DON’T know what’s going to happen!

TRIXIE. Well, that’s the genius of it all, right? That’s what makes you want to keep coming back.

TILLIE. That was one complaint I had about the show up till now, that it was too episodic. But now—boom! Not episodic any more!

TRIXIE. And the biggest bummer of all! We have to wait almost a whole month to find out what happens! No more episodes until after New Year’s!

TESSIE. That’s a long time! But you know why? Because it’s December and it’s Christmas, so we’re probably going to be having a lot of Christmas special instead!

TRIXIE. Yeah!! I wonder what Christmas specials are going to be on?? We should try to find out.

TILLIE. Miss Chrissy has a few on the Shelves. We should see if we can watch one today.PEEWEE

TESSIE. I want to watch the PeeWee Herman Christmas Special! I love that show!

TILLIE. (giggling) Yeah…so do I.

TRIXIE. Ooh, ooh! Yeah! And later today, or maybe tomorrow, we’re having another photo shoot!

TESSIE. You mean the Christmas Fashion Show? But you remember what happened: Miss Chrissy said she can’t find any good Christmas outfits for us, because everything in our size, NB, says “Baby’s First Christmas” on it.

TRIXIE. UGH!! We are NOT babies!

TILLIE. I know. But we can’t help it if we’re the same size as babies.

TESSIE. I like being this size.

TRIXIE. So do I. And I like most of the clothes Miss Chrissy finds for us. But I do NOT like being compared to a baby, because I am NOT a baby.

TILLIE. So then, how are we having a Christmas Fashion Show?

TRIXIE. Haha!! Didn’t you see? Miss Chrissy has Christmas ribbons we can put in our hair!

TESSIE. Yeah, but is that a “Fashion Show”?

TRIXIE. It is, if we want it to be. Hair Fashion!

TILLIE. What about Mr. Squee? Can he wear some ribbons in his hair?SQ

TESSIE. (giggling) I don’t know if he will. I don’t think he’ll find it….dignified….

Well, as you can see, once the Whimsies got around to talking about SHIELD, they didn’t spend too much time on it, and their thoughts easily wandered, because they do indeed have so many other things on their mind. Soon, hopefully, we’ll be bringing you the Christmas Hair Ribbon Fashion Show. See you then!

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