TRIXIEFor some time now, I’ve been wondering whether or not I ought to come here to talk about this one particular Whimsie I’ve found on the internet, whose appearance I find most disturbing. After all, this is a family-friendly blog, and I wouldn’t want to present anything that’s too scary or upsetting. In the past, the worst my fellow Whimsies and I have done is to discuss our favorite movie monsters.

But everybody knows that movie monsters are not real. This very disturbing Whimsie girl, however, is as real as me, or Tessie, or Tillie or Tootsie, and that makes her strange appearance just a little too close for comfort.

This dilemma has been gnawing at my mind for weeks now, and finally I decided I can keep silent no more. But I’ll warn you upfront (the same way the news anchorperson does before a particularly gruesome story, or certain television shows do, if they are going to show too many scenes with sex or violence), that some of the images you are about to see may prove to be quite DISTURBING.

So, to protect you, Dear Reader, I’ve given you this warning, and I’m also taking care to place the troublesome images far down in this post, so that if you think it might be too much to bear, you can stop reading here, and switch to some other blog that is much more pleasant than today’s Whimsieville. There is no particular reason in the world why you have to continue reading, or why you should scroll past the point of no return. I’ve spent all this time now warning you, and if heddayou continue to go on, you do so at your own risk. And if you end up having the very same nightmares that I’ve been having these past few weeks, well then…you have nobody to blame but yourself!

Okay! Now shall we proceed?

In my travels around the internet, I’ve discovered that there is this one particular Whimsie whose name is Hedda Get Bedda. Hedda is apparently her first name and “Get Bedda” means, “Get to bed,” or more precisely “Get to bed, because you’re SICK, poor dear!” So “Get Bedda” is sort of a cute way of saying, “Get better.”

But there’s nothing cute about Hedda! In this first picture, of course, she looks fine. She’s dressed in some kind of jammie, and a wool hat, and socks, so I can very well imagine that perhaps she’s sick, and has a fever, and needs to get some medicine and some rest. Yes, she’s smiling here, but you must admit, it’s sort of sad or tired smile, and even her eyes look like she’s having a hard time keeping them open. Seeing this picture, you think, “Oh my! Poor dear! Get some rest and surely you’ll feel better in the morning!”

That’s what you’d think, right? And why shouldn’t you? That’s the way the world normally works, isn’t it? But dig a little deeper and you’ll discover what’s really ailing Hedda. And this is the part that terrifies me most of all! It seems that Hedda’s problem is that she’s…well…well, there’s no nice way to say this. She’s TWO-FACED.

hedda2faceIn normal conversation, being “two-faced” means someone who says one thing to your face, then turns around and says something completely different to your friends. Or, they are nice to you at first, but then later on, they are mean. With someone who is “two-faced,” you never know what you’re going to get, so you simply can’t trust them.

But in Hedda’s case, it seems she is quite literally two-faced. As you can see here, she has two-faces! And in fact, I’m not exactly sure, but I think if she turned her head around just a little bit more, you’d find that she actually has a third face. Aaaargh! I don’t even want to see it! I don’t even want to think about it!

Now, like it’s not disturbing enough that this poor girl has two (or three) faces, it seems there’s yet even more to her peculiar condition. You see, it seems that she can spin her head completely around to show any one of those faces. Years ago, there was a terribly, terribly frightening movie about a girl who was possessed by the devil, and the devil could make her spin her head completely around. I’ve heard about this many time, but I’ve never actually seen it, because as a rule, we Whimsies try to avoid anything that’s too terribly frightening. But as you know, we sometimes like to see a show or movie that’s just a little bit frightening, and so we recently watched Sleepy Hollow, and in that show, there is one character who also got possessed, and ended up doing very disturbing things with his head. It’s too distressing for me to post the picture here, but if you’re wondering what I’m talking about, you can click on this link.

Now, if you’ve looked at my picture of Hedda, and you’ve clicked on that link just above, you’ve probably seen all the weird and upsetting stuff you care to see today. But wait! It gets worse! Here’s yet another picture I’ve found depicting an additional problem poor little Hedda has to put up with! As you can see here, Hedda’s head pops off! Decapitated!! hedda detachedAnd some humans seem to have no problem whatsoever standing around and having themselves photographed with Hedda’s head! I mean…I mean…it’s disgraceful! It’s appalling! It’s just too much for a sensitive Whimsie like me to have to deal with!

The phrase “add insult to injury” means, “as if things weren’t bad enough, here’s one more bad thing,” and I have only one more bad thing to say about Hedda. I hate to look too closely at these images I’m posting here, because they are so very unsettling, but you don’t have to look very, very closely to notice that the Hedda’s head covering, which I earlier described as a “wool hat,” is not wool at all, but actually plastic!

So, in addition to having a two (or three) faced head that humans like to pop off and pose with, Hedda must spend all her days wearing a plastic hat. No wonder the poor girl is sick so much of the time! How would you hedda doom feel if you had to live your life with your head imprisoned in plastic? Doctor Doom spends his life behind a metal mask, and we all know how grouchy that makes him!

Well, that’s all I have to say about Hedda. Hopefully. I mean, I hope as I’m looking around on the internet I don’t find any more photos showing any additional problems this poor Whimsie has to deal with. I feel so very sorry for her. And yet, at the same time, I’m also frightened. So frightened, as I say, I’ve ended up having quite a few nightmares about Hedda. In the worst of my nightmares, I’m quietly sleeping in my bed, and suddenly jolt awake to find Hedda’s dismembered head floating in the middle of the darkness of my room, and her second (or third) face staring down at me.

The other Whimsies have asked me why, lately, I’ve been wanting to sleep with a night light, and at first I hesitated to tell them, not wanting to drag them into this most appalling of Whimsie aberrations, but finally, they dragged it out of me. And yes, they were all horrified at first, but then the more we talked about it, the more we got to express our feelings to each other, the less troublesome it seemed. heddafriendsThat’s when I got the idea that I had to come here and write about Hedda, to finally get this thing off my chest once and for all.

And now that I have, I hope two things: first, that I haven’t disturbed you too much, Dear Reader. And secondly, that I’ll now finally be able to get a good night’s sleep once again!

Mostly, the world is a pretty place. But sometimes it’s not. But when it’s not, the best thing you can do, really, is face it head on, with friends. And if this picture is any indication, the one saving grace for poor Hedda is that she has a large group of good friends with whom she can share her sorrows.

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