yellowTrixie got to showcase our new blue jammies, and before that Tessie modeled red and pink striped jammies, so now it’s my turn! And can you believe it? I’m wearing YELLOW jammies! Yes, honestly, I kid you not…yellow!

Once or twice before it’s been mentioned on this blog that we Whimsies have always held the belief that nobody looks good in yellow, and so when Miss Chrissy goes out to the Thrift Store Boutique, we ask her to please, please, please don’t buy us anything in yellow. And up till now, she’s listened to us, and hasn’t come back with any yellow clothes. But today, when she made a trip to the Boutique, she found this cute little yellow jammie, and decided to buy it for us, since it was the right size (NB) and was On Sale, for a Very Good Price. Worse case scenario, on her next visit to the Boutique she would have to return it for something more…appropriate.

But there will be no return of these jammies. I’m glad she took a chance, because, once we all got over the horror of seeing yellow clothing, I decided to be brave and try on the jammie, and instantly realized how ridiculous we’ve all been for so long for avoiding the color yellow. Not only does this jammie feel just as comfortable as any of our others, but I also think I look pretty darn good in it! It took Tessie and Trixie a little while, but eventually, they had to agree. They even both said that they can’t wait for their chance to try on this jammie!

Now, I will admit, this shade of yellow is very pale and pretty, so it works perfectly for a jammie, sort of like soft rays of sunshine sneaking through the bedroom window when you’re just about to wake up on a Saturday morning. If these jammies had been Bright Yellow, or Electric Yellow, or worse yet, Neon Yellow, I probably wouldn’t be feeling so friendly towards the idea of yellow jammies. But these jammies are just perfect.

So! What is the end result? We now have a new pair of jammies, in a color that we’ve never worn before. The world is getting bigger and more beautiful all the time! I love trying new things, learning new things.

What could possibly be next? Maybe Tessie and Trixie will take a tiny baby step outside their comfort zone and decide that they’re willing to watch even a minute or two of Too Cute! – Puppies?

I won’t hold my breath. But stranger things have happened.

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