We finally got back to Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD this past week, and when the Whimsies were done watching, they had a few things to say, as usual. However, it was not at all usual what they had to say…

TRIXIE. So, girls! We certainly had to wait a long time to see our next episode of SHIELD. Whaddja think?

TILLIE. (after a pause) Honestly?

TRIXIE. Of course honestly! Have we ever been anything other than honest with each other? That’s the Whimsie Way, isn’t it?

TILLIE. Of course!

TRIXIE. So then…?

TILLIE. Well…to tell the truth…I was a little disappointed.

TRIXIE. (after a moment) Funny you say that…because I was too. What about you, Tess?

TESSIE. I’m just glad Agent Coulson is okay! I hated having him out there, being kidnapped.

TILLIE. I agree. But at the same time—and you’re probably going to hate this, Tess—but at the same time, it would have been a lot BETTER if he hadn’t gotten un-kidnapped so fast.


TRIXIE. No, no. I know what she means, Tess. There was a lot of dramatic juice in that kidnapping. And then they closed it all up in only one episode. I mean, it’s nice to know Coulson is okay and all that, but it would have been a better STORY to keep him kidnapped for longer.

TILLIE. Yes! I agree! And you know what else would have been better? Getting a much more clear picture of exactly what happened to him, how it was that he was dead, and now he’s not dead.

TESSIE. I’m with you there. I’ve got to admit, I’m kind of annoyed that we didn’t really get any real information about all that.

TRIXIE. Yeah. I mean, we know he was dead, and now he’s alive. And I think we all pretty much knew all along that he wasn’t in Tahiti.

TILLIE. And we know that Loki shot a big old gun right through his chest, so it wasn’t like a big reveal that he would have had some kinds of medical procedures done.brain

TESSIE. Yes! But we didn’t see them working on his chest. They were working on his BRAIN. Which, by the way, was gross.

TRIXIE. It WAS gross! But at least it wasn’t very realistic.

TILLIE. So, what’s the real story here? I mean, was that really Coulson having his brain picked at? Or was it a Life Model Decoy and they were just putting his brain inside?

TESSIE. Good question, Till! I’m not entirely sure the Life Model Decoy explanation is totally off the table.

TILLIE. So the end result of all this is that last time we were sort of PROMISED we would get some answers, and now we’ve seen the episode, and we still don’t feel we have any good answers yet.

TRIXIE. Yeah. So you know what that makes me think? You know how in the coming attractions at the end of this week’s show, they kind of HINT that we’re going to find out about Skye’s parents? Well…because of what happened to Agent Coulson, I don’t actually believe them.

TILLIE. It’s just too early in the show to get big answers to big questions.

TRIXIE. And yet they keep teasing us!

TESSIE. Well, that’s what shows do. They have to do something to get you to come back and watch next time.

TILLIE. Wow…I feel like we’re really coming down hard on one of our favorite shows.

TRIXIE. Well, they can’t ALL be the best episode.fitzsimmons

TESSIE. That’s true. But there was one really cool thing that happened in this episode, guys!

TILLIE. You don’t mean something with Fitz, do you?

TESSIE. NO! We barely saw Fitz and Simmons during this whole episode. They only had a little bit to do. That was kind of disappointing.

TRIXIE. Then what’s this good thing you’re talking about?

TESSIE. When Agent May was asked if Skye should be able to stay on the plane, if she had anything to offer, and May said ‘No. She’s no use.’

TRIXIE. I know! That was cold!134162_1719

TESSIE. Yeah, it was! But then later, we find out May knew exactly what she was doing! She was trying to get Skye off the plane, so Skye would be free to do her own investigating. And as a matter of fact, that’s what she did, and she found out a bunch of stuff that helped save Agent Coulson.

TILLIE. Yeah, and then May said to Agent Ward, ‘Don’t always think the worst of me.’

TESSIE. I have to admit. I thought the worst of her when she said Skye should leave.

TILLIE. Me too!

TRIXIE. Me too! I mean, Agent May is one of my favorite characters cos she’s such a good fighter, she’s almost like a superhero, cos she’s got so many skills. But sometimes she’s not the most warm and fuzzy personality, know what I mean?

TILLIE. Well…warm and fuzzy serves you well when you’re a Whimsie…but not so much when you’re an Agent of SHIELD!

TESSIE. True! But Fitz and Simmons are warm and fuzzy!

TILLIE. They are. But they’re the exception, not the rule.

TESSIE. True. But you know what? Sometimes it’s the exceptions, not the rules, that are more interesting, and more fun.

TRIXIE. I agree! Like, for isntance…did you know….? I’ve been doing some reading lately, and it seems there are some people who believe there used to be dinosaurs that had feathers!

TILLIE. What?? No!dinosaur_feathers2-660x460

TRIXIE. What! Yes! I’ve been reading about it. Of course most dinosaurs do NOT have feathers, but way back when, it’s possible there were some dinosaurs that maybe had feathers. Or something like feathers.

TESSIE. Huh! That’s crazy!

TRIXIE. No, it’s not. It’s the exception, not the rule. And personally, I think the exception not the rule…is COOL!

TILLIE. Well, don’t let Fred and his gang hear you saying that. They would be insulted.

TRIXIE. I would never say anything to insult our pet dinosaurs!

TESSIE. Yes, that’s all very well and good, I suppose, but…what’s next? Cats without hair?


TESSIE. (shocked) What??? There are??

TRIXIE. Sure, Tess. Haven’t you ever heard of the Sphinx?

TESSIE. The Spynx is that huge statue type thing in Egypt, right?

TILLIE. Yes, but it’s also a cat with no hair!

TRIXIE. Don’t you remember Austin Powers?

TESSIE. (exasperated) Who is Austin Powers?

TRIXIE. It’s a movie. A series of movies, actually. And there’s a Spynx cat that belongs to the bad guy. His name is Mr. Bigglesworth.

TILLIE. The cat is Mr. Bigglesworth. Not the bad guy.

TESSIE. I never saw those movies.

TRIXIE. What?? Where you been, girl? We’ll have to add them to the list.

TILLIE. Do you think Miss Chrissy and The Man have those movies on the shelves?

TRIXIE. I don’t know. But we can check tomorrow. If only because I want Tess to be able to see a cat without hair.

TESSIE. Wait! Hold on! I’m not so sure I WANT to see that….

As you can see, the conversation trailed off from there, and SHIELD was long forgotten. Despite Tessie’s objections, I’ve added a picture of Spynx cats here, so she can see they are really quite adorable.

For the record, we do not have the Austin Powers movies on the shelves, so the Whimsies will be disappointed when they go looking. But who knows what else they might find? Tune in next time, when surely they will have something new and wonderful about which to wax Whimsical!

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