jammiesLast night the Whimsies put on their footie pajammies and snuggled up with us to watch the premiere episode of Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD As big fans of Comics, they have been looking forward to this for some time. I felt certain they would all have a lot ot say, and I was right. Afterwards, I heard them having a Round Table Discussion about the show. Here are a few of the highlights:

Tessie. Well! I’m so glad we finally got to see the show! Didn’t it feel like we were waiting for this forever?

Trixie. Yeah! It sure did! We’ve been waiting for this at least since we watched The Avengers, on Our People’s Blue Ray Machine. That was when I got really excited to see SHIELD

Tillie. Yeah, Trix, but you were excited because you thought THOR was going to be on the show. But like we told you, he wasn’t.

Trixie. Well, there was a commercial for his new movie. That was good enough for me!

Tessie. Yeah! And somebody made a joke about Thor, about how you know he’s a superhero because of his arms.

Trixie (giggles)

Tillie. I think it was when somebody said Thor isn’t really a god, and then someone else said, “Have you seen his arms?”

Trixie. (gasps) How could anyone accuse Thor of not being a god? Haven’t they read the Comics?

Tessie. Well, let’s not get off track. Let’s talk about the show we just saw, okay? There will be plenty of time to talk about Thor later.

Trixie. And besides, he might make a guest appearance on a future episode!

Tillie. I wouldn’t hold my breath, Trix. Thor’s going to be busy enough doing movies. But what about this show? It’s really about a whole ‘nother side of the same world all those superheroes live in. It’s like…more about the real people.

Tessie. Yeah, real people who don’t have superpowers, but who have…MAD SKILLS!!!may

Tillie. You mean the agents? Yeah, they got some skills, and some gadgets too.

Trixie. You know I’m no good with names, but I really liked the Asian girl. I liked how she fought. Those were some good skills.

Tessie. I liked the two British people. I love their accents!

Tillie. (giggling) You would! You always like those British accents!

Tessie. What about the other guy, the one with the dark hair? I thought his name was…Ward?

Tillie. What about him?

Tessie. Well, did anyone think he was…cute?

Trixie and Tillie roll their eyes.

Tessie. Well, he was! Sort of…

Trixie. I don’t know if he was. I just kind of feel like a lot of the people looked like each other. It was hard to tell them apart sometimes. I guess as the show goes on we’ll get used to them. I just wish they’d put in a girl with a different color hair. Oh…say…a girl with PINK hair!

Tillie. You’re thinking about yourself!

Trixie. I wouldn’t mind being an agent for SHIELD

Tessie. Yeah, but have you got any mad skills?

Trixie (shrugs) My braids can bend without anyone holding them up? Is that a skill?

Tessie. Sure! But not good enough for SHIELD!CLARK GREGG

Tillie. Let’s get back to the show, you guys. What did you think about Agent Coulson?

Tessie. Oh, I think he’s so cute!

Tillie. Tess, you think everybody is cute.

Tessie. Well, he is.

Tillie. I mean, what do you think about him still being alive?

Trixie. Yeah! How did that happen?

Tillie. And why did he keep talking about Tahiti, and about it being a magical place?

Tessie. Do you think he really went to Tahiti? Do you think it is a magical place?

Tillie. I don’t know what’s going on there. I mean, he certainly does still seem to be alive. I guess maybe we’ll find out more about him in the next episodes.

Trixie. I loved his car!! It flies!!!

Tessie (nods) And it’s named Lola.

Trixie. Do you think it’s weird to name your car?

Tessie. I don’t know. Miss Chrissy calls her cars “Red” and “Old Goldie.” Is that weird?

Tillie. About the show, guys….

Trixie. Well, I totally enjoyed it. It was a little hard for me to follow sometimes, but I liked the stuff I could understand. And you know what else I really liked? Seeing all those actors from those other shows we’ve watched!

Tessie. Yeah, that was Gunn!! From Angel!

Trixie. And the Shepherd! From Firefly.

Tessie. I guess we might get a lot of that in SHIELD Cos that director, Joss Whedon, he likes to use the same actors over and over again.

Tillie. And why not? If they’re good actors, he should use them!

Trixie. I hope we see Captain Reynolds on SHIELD. I like him.

Tillie. I think he’s doing another show now. So I don’t know if we’ll see him. Don’t get your hopes up, Trix.

Tillie. But Miss Chrissy and The Man said if we might expect to see ANYONE on this show, maybe…just maybe….Nick Fury will stop by.

RASPUTINTrixie. Ooh! Ooh! I would love to see Nick Fury!

Tilile. Me too!

Tessie. Me too!

Trixie. Then I think it’s agreed…we’re all Fury Girls?

Tillie and Tessie (in unison) YES!!!

They all laugh. Then sigh. Then…

Tessie. Well, you guys, what about the jokes?

Tillie. What jokes? Were there jokes?

Tessie. Well, there was lots of funny stuff. Like when that agent, Ward, said, “I’ve got Level Six clearance, and I happen to know for a fact Agent Coulson died in the line of duty.” Then Agent Coulson comes out of the shadows and says, “Welcome to Level Seven.”

Tillie. Yeah! That was cool!

Trixie. Or what about this? Somebody asks that new agent….the one you called Ward…they ask him what SHIELD stands for, and he says it.

Tessie. Yeah, it’s like…strategic…homeland…

Trixie. Imagination…?

Tessie. No! it’s like Intervening, and then Enforcing and something something division…

Trixie. Yeah, it’s all crazy. So they ask him, ‘What does that mean to you?’ and he says, “Somebody really wanted those initials to spell out SHIELD!’

(All laugh. Then sigh. Then…)

Trixie. Yeah, so, there’s so much stuff about the Comics and the Movies, so I almost felt like we were back in one of the movies.

Tillie. It’s a totally integrated world, all integrated with Marvel Comics.

Tessie. I liked the way the show started, with flipping through the Comics, just like they always do in all the movies. That made me know right away that we were in for a treat!

Tillie. Yeah, it was a treat. Not exactly like the Comics, and not exactly like the Movies, but it’s like something….new. Something different, but still exciting.

Trixie. I guess this one is a keeper, then? We’ll be watching it every week?

Tessie. As long as Our People are watching it, we’ll be watching it too.

Tillie. And that should probably be a long time, because Our People are big fans of Marvel Comics. They even have some websites about them.

Tessie. You mean like we have our website about Whimsieville?

Tillie. Yeah, exactly like that!

Trixie. Well…not exactly. Nothing is every EXACTLY like something else. I mean, look at us! We’re all Whimsies, but we’re all so different from each other.

Tessie. We’re different, but in some ways, we’re all the same.

Trixie. Yeah. Like we all like Comics, but I like Thor, and you like Spider-Man.

Tillie. And I like Iron Man!!

Trixie. Well, you should talk about that here on the website, Till.

Tillie. I think I will! But next time, soon, we’re going to be reading that book together. You know the one I told you about?

Tessie. (alarmed) The one about the dogs??

Tillie. Yes, that one. And don’t worry about it, Tess. It will be fine.

Trixie. I’m starting to feel tired now. It’s been a big day. Good thing we’re all in our PJ’s already, right?

Tessie. The dogs are just cartoon dogs, right?greeneye

Tillie. Yes, they are. And don’t worry. We’ve got Mr. Squee here to protect us, remember?

Tessie. (giggles) He didn’t really care for SHIELD, did he?

Tillie. I think he’s the only one of us that didn’t. Everyone else here in Whimsieville thought it was just grand, and can’t wait for the next episode. Right, Trix? ….Trix?

Tessie. (whispering) I think she’s sleeping, Till.

Tillie (smiling) I bet she’s dreaming about Thor.

Tessie. I guess we should get some sleep too…

(After all that, the Whimsies all went to sleep in their footie-pajamas, dreaming of superheroes and hummingbirds, and flowers, and of all the fun adventures they hope to continue to have, here in Whimsieville.)

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