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Here in Whimsieville we are all so excited because Fall is finally on the way! And to celebrate, the Whimsies dragged themselves out of their Summer stupor and attacked their Wardrobe with glee, finding new outfits to celebrate the new season. And then they were so excited by their choices, they hurried into the kitchen to make a pot of tea, so they could sit back and drink their tea with honey and revel in how wonderful they suddenly felt in their new clothes.

As they sat and sipped, each revealed a special reason for why they chose the clothes they did, and it was no surprise to me that their reasonings were very mature and proper, just perfect for their personalities. So, without further ago, I would love to share with you why each of these Whimsies has so comfortably dressed themselves in their particular outfits!






The Whimsies are a little embarrassed, so they have asked me to apologize for them being away from this blog for so long. They have simply been so busy with all their varied interests and activities that they haven’t had time! But now, upon this day of Thanksgiving, as they are filled with a spirit of reflection, they have insisted on posting, however briefly, about that for which they are each most thankful.

Posing in their long-sleeved, comfortable Autumn clothes for their Official Thanksgiving 2023 Portrait, here they are to share the gratitude in their dear little Whimsie hearts!


I am most grateful for the beautiful Fall weather, which makes it so pleasant when I go outside to run around and climb trees! The air is crisp and cool, the leaves are changing to beautiful colors, and there is magic everywhere. What a wonderful world we live in!

I give thanks every day for the knowledge and enjoyment I find in books! By reading, I learn new things that keep my brain churning; spark my imagination by immersing myself in fantastical stories; and expand my horizons as I travel to distant places, experiencing things I might otherwise never know. Real life itself is joyful enough, so I don’t actually need books, but they are the proverbial icing on my cake!

Without a doubt I am so so SO grateful I don’t have to live in a HOARD anymore. Whimsieville is clean and orderly, a magical place full of friends and fun, and you can easily find whatever you need without tripping over a bunch of horrible junk! I love this place!

I am so glad Miss Chrissy cared enough about me as her childhood friend to search for me, find me, and bring me home to live with her forever. Where would I be if not for this blessing? I shudder to think! Every day is a delight here in Whimsieville, and I think I am even beginning to overcome my life-long dread of dogs and wolves!

Hearing all these wonderful sentiments from my Whimsie friends brings a smile to my heart and a tear to my eye. I am grateful for each one of them, and for the way they constantly remind me and connect me to the child I once was…that still lives inside me. Keeping that connection alive is something worthy of thanksgiving. And so I add my voice to theirs and say:


Ever since I’ve known Tootsie, she’s always been a wee bit self-conscious about her neck. As you know, Tootsie loves to climb trees, and one of the downfalls of climbing trees is that sometimes you fall down, and when you do, you may get the stuffing knocked out you. That’s what happened to Tootsie, more times than she can remember, but would that stop her from climbing trees? May it never be!

Her “injury” (if you want to call it that) is that her head now tilts a little to one side. It’s not a terrible thing, and it doesn’t hurt, so it’s just merely, as they say…cosmetic. It’s a common condition that lots of Whimsies suffer from…though, as I say, “suffer” is not really the right word, since there is no true suffering involved beyond, perhaps, injured vanity.

But last Summer, when we were all dressed up and having a photo shoot in our pretty Summer dresses, Tootsie took a look at this picture in particular, and it really vexed her, and she cried and wished she could do something about her droopy head. Well, if there’s one thing Miss Chrissy can’t bear, it’s a crying Whimsie, so she did a little Research on the Internet and decided that perhaps there was something after all that could be done to help poor Tootsie feel better about herself.

Miss Chrissy suggested a Surgery. Now, since we don’t know any actual Whimsie Surgeons, Miss Chrissy volunteered to do the job. From what she could tell from her Research, she believed the operation wouldn’t be that difficult and was sure to be a success. And Tootsie has such great faith in Miss Chrissy, knowing she would never cause her any harm, that she immediately agreed. And for a while, it felt like the problem was solved!

Except, of course, that months and months passed, and the Surgery was never actually performed. Even though Miss Chrissy had gathered all the needed supplies and was ready to Operate whenever Tootsie said “Let’s do this!” Tootsie in fact was too involved in other things to give her neck a second thought and for a while it seemed like the whole idea had been forgotten and the Surgery would never take place.

But then, last week, at the first hint of Spring, Tootsie put on her blue jeans and sneakers and ran outside looking for trees to climb. And of course, you know what happened. More stuffing knocked out of her! She came back into the house, once again crying, not because she was hurt, but because it suddenly occurred to her that she had put this off for way too long and she begged Miss Chrissy to do the Surgery straightaway and put her head right.

Well, Miss Chrissy wasted no time! She prepared the Operating Table with a clean white towel and brought out the needed supplies: rubbing alcohol and cotton balls for disinfecting, a scalpel for Incision, a clear bandage for closing up the Incision, and of course, the very much needed stuffing.

Now, as I mentioned before, since we are Whimsies and not People, we do not feel pain, so there was no need for anesthetic. Tootsie simply lay down on the Operating Table and held her breath while Miss Chrissy prepared to Operate.

And it was over almost before you knew it! A simple clean Incision, quite a bit of stuffing, and one skillfully placed bandage, and little Tootsie was so soon being whisked off to the Recover Room, where she recuperated from the ordeal by sitting very still under a blanket for a number of hours (to give the bandage time to “set.”)

Though Tootsie was in no pain, Dr. Chrissy prescribed a period of rest, since the whole thing had been such an Ordeal, so as much as Mr. Squee and the others wanted to check on her and make sure she was alright, she was allowed only one Visitor—ME! Her best friend in the Universe.

We sat together for a couple of hours watching and re-watching Pride and Prejudice, until at last the exhaustions of the day, and calming music lulled Tootsie to sleep.

And the next day, she was as good as new! No, wait! Even better! Of course on the first sunny day she ran right outside looking for trees to climb, but Miss Chrissy has made her promise to try to be a little more careful in the future.

Hmmm…We’ll see how that goes…

P.S. and B.T.W. So many thanks to Mr. Russ, who helped us set up our first slideshow!! 🙂

Well, today is Valentine’s Day, and this year it’s a bit different than it’s always been in the past. Our People are not going out to their customary Valentine’s Day Dinner, due to a human problem called a Virus, and since they are working from home these days, Mr. Russ has not sent Miss Chrissy any flowers at her office as he often does. They have both agreed to have a quieter Valentine’s Day this year as they patiently wait for their Vaccines, which should begin within the next several weeks. Of course, we Whimsies don’t have to worry about any of this, because we are not People, we are Whimsies! But we feel bad for them, so we have decided to brighten their Valentine’s Day by making a quick overview of who our favorite Valentines are at the moment.

As Whimsies, rather than People, of course we are not likely to ever really fall in love or get married or anything like that. But that certainly hasn’t prevented us from looking at what’s out there! And each of us has a very different idea about who we would choose as a Valentine….if only we could.


So, since I’m writing this, I’ll go first! And as you can probably guess, my Valentine comes from the world of Marvel Comics. Or, more specifically, from what is familiarly known as The MCU—the Marvel Cinematic Universe! Over the last several weeks, we have all anxiously been setting our alarm clocks just a little bit early every Friday morning so that we can get up and watch the latest episode of WandaVision on Disney Plus almost as soon as it comes out. (Of course, we could get up at 2AM in the morning to see it at the first possible moment, but that would be a little crazy, don’t you think? And I have certainly never done that! Well…I haven’t done it every week. Maybe once. Or twice. Oaky, three times, but I did it very quietly and didn’t wake anyone else up, and then of course I sat very still and quiet and did not spoil anything for the others once we were all huddled around the TV together, just a few hours later.)

The show is so much fun, and there are so many good things to say about it, and so much to discuss about what might really be happening, but one thing for sure there is no need to discuss is the fact that Vision is…well, he is a vision! He is fabulous! He is so good-looking and so kind and nice and fun, whether he’s being himself as the red-faced synthezoid he really is, or disguising himself as a simple human being for the sake of his unsuspecting neighbors.

The last several episodes have had some dark moments, but in the beginning there were quite a few opportunities for Vision to be cute and adorable—like here, when he got “drunk” on chewing gum gumming up his gears and caused all kinds of havoc during the Magic Show. Oh, that was so funny!

And then there’s this: I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned this before, but I love the look of a man wearing suspenders, but when Vision does that in the 1980’s episode, my heart is all aflutter!

Well, I could go on and on about Vision, but the others are waiting to have their chance as well, so let’s move along and see who Tessie chooses as her Valentine.

WandaVision is not the only shows we’ve been watching on TV lately, as we wait out this Virus, and the cold weather. (Well, it is February after all, and an ice storm is expected tonight!) One of the other other shows we like to watch is the “period drama” on Netflix called Bridgerton. Over the last year or so Miss Chrissy has gotten us all into reading the novels of Jane Austen, and ever since, we have all grown to be very big fans of “period dramas.” Bridgerton is one of the most colorful and entertaining we have yet seen on the TV, with great costumes, lovely music, and SO MUCH DRAMA! We have only seen five of the eight episodes so far, but there is enough drama in those first five episodes to float a whole boatful of Jane Austen novels!

Of course, we all have our favorite characters, but Tessie has become enamored of the younger Bridgerton brother, Colin. First of all, he is rather good-looking, don’t you think? But even more compelling (at least to Tessie, to hear her tell it) is the whole storyline about Colin and his chubby red-headed neighbor Penelope, who really has a crush on him. He is very friendly and neighborly towards her, calling her “Pen,” but so far there does not seem to be any romantic interest. On his side, anyway. Poor Penelope however is pining away for him, but secretly, and the fact that her pregnant house-guest is now trying to lure Colin into a hasty marriage so that her baby can have a real father, and scandal can be avoided—well! Did I mention…DRAMA???

As I said, we are only through the first five episodes, so there is no telling how this will all turn out, but Tessie is most assuredly rooting for Penelope to win Colin’s heart in the end. I wonder if perhaps Tessie sees us Whimsies as a kind of “chubby red-heads” in a world of slender beauties, and so strongly identifies with poor Penelope’s predicament? There’s nothing wrong with wanting the underdog to win. Especially if what you are winning is the love and affection of a fine fellow like Colin Bridgerton!

Okay, by that heading, you know where we are going next. Yes, Tootsie is still head-over-heels in love with Santa Claus, even though the Christmas season has been over for at least a month now! Really, more like six weeks. But Tootsie’s devotion to Santa Claus continues. She has as least finally decided to wear jammies other than those depicting the image of her favorite jolly old St. Nick, but she still keeps thinking and talking about him, and counting down the days until next Christmas, when she hopes to tiptoe out to living room in the middle of the night and serve him the traditional milk and cookies.

Now, this may seem like an extreme obsession on Tootsie’s part, and to tell you the truth, I’m sure it is in part being kept alive by a very special couple of movies we have watched on Netflix called The Christmas Chronicles. A few years back, there was The Christmas Chronicles, and then this past year we were treated to The Christmas Chronicles 2, a sequel that took us back to the North Pole and showed us much more about how Santa and Mrs. Claus live and work and manage all those elves. Yes, it was fascinating, I have to admit, and there was some real peril, which was overcome, in large part due to Santa himself being brave and quick-thinking. But to hear Tootsie tell it, the very best thing about Santa is how fun and funny he is, and how entertaining when he decides to break into song. And well, honestly, I can’t disagree with her.

Finally we come to Tillie’s favorite Valentine this year, and though we have met him through the TV, unlike the others mentioned above, he is very much in the real world. After several distressing years, Miss Chrissy and Mr. Russ were delighted to find that the country is getting a brand-new President, and they couldn’t be happier, and frankly, neither could we. Tillie has been making a study of the new President, and has become so enamored of him because, in her words, he is obviously a truly decent and honest person, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that! But even moreso, Tillie really likes to see how the President and the new First Lady seem to be so much a couple, so much a team, so much in love and “on the same page.” Why, very often you will even see them holding hands! Even though they are "old" people who have been together a long time, they still seem to care a great deal about each other.

As I mentioned earlier, we Whimsies don't harbor any illusions that we might someday meet any of our Valentines (well, except for Tootsie, that is…) or ever get to actually know them, we just like to see and know about people (real or imagined) who are good people, and fun people, and full of life. It warms our little Whimsie hearts. And for that reason, Tillie says, she is more than happy to share her Valentine, Mr. President, with the First Lady, whom he loves so much.

Because sharing and caring is, after all, what Valentine's Day is all about.

From a magical place where time stands still,
Merry Christmas to all from Whimsieville!
