trixoggHi, everyone! Trixie here. Well, Chistmas has come and gone, and Santa Claus has come and gone, and he left us with some pretty nice presents. Over the next few days we’re going to share our Christmas gifts with you here, and we’re starting today with…OGGZ!

What, you may ask, are Oggz? Well, they are this cool sort of “novelty lighting” that’s shaped like eggs, and they glow in all different colors of the rainbow. We got a group of three, and they sit on a little silver triangle thingy to “charge,” and when they are charged, you can flip a little switch on the bottom and they start glowing! Each Ogg glows in all the colors, switching colors every few seconds. It’s a continuous light show, and it’s fascinating to watch, and very relaxing.

tilloggYeah, these Oggz don’t actually DO anything, except look cool, but sometimes that’s all you want out of a present. No, wait. I take that back. The Oggz would be excellent as night lights, if we ever got scared, and felt like we wanted a little night light on as we were going to sleep. But we don’t really anticipate that will be the case. Mostly, we just like them because they’re pretty.

tessoggMiss Chrissy says the Oggz are very difficult to take pictures of, because the lighting has to be “just so,” and especailly if you are trying to take a picture of all of them at the same time, you can’t really make the Oggz be a certain color at a certain time, they just keep doing whatever they want to do. So it’s hard to get a picture of three Oggz showing three different colors at the same time. But I think the portrait she made of us below shows off the Oggz pretty well, and of course, don’t we all look comfy and cozy in our snuggly pajammies?

We didn’t ask Santa Claus for Oggz, because honestly, before we saw them on Christmas morning, we never even dreamed such a thing existed! Sometimes it’s nice to get the presents you asked for, and sometimes it’s just as good to get the presents you didn’t even know you wanted, until you see them. It’s always fun to find out about new things, don’t you think?


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