It’s always great to get comfortable new jammies, but it’s even better when there’s a good story behind them.
As mentioned here before, Miss Chrissy is really good about re-using and re-purposing, and in addition to all that, she loves a bargain! Which is why she so often buys our clothes at the Thrift Shop Boutique, which has the best prices in town. But this time, she did not have to go to the Boutique for the best price! Because this time, the local J.C. Penney’s store sent a Coupon through the mail that said if you buy something that is at least $10.00, they will give you $10.00 off!

Well…that could be FREE, right? How could anyone resist an offer like that? So Miss Chrissy made a trip to the local J.C. Penney’s, and she is the first to admit that the original intent of her shopping trip was to get herself a new pair of slippers, because the old pair (which she got a couple of years ago, at J.C. Penney’s, with another one of these great Coupons) had worn out, and of course with this recent spell of cold weather here in Whimsieville, a good pair of slipper (or comfy socks) is just the thing to warm you up and make you feel all toasty warm inside.

However…after looking in a few different places in the store, Miss Chrissy reports there were no really nice slippers to be had. Oh, there were the kind with no backs, and the kind with hard soles, but who wants that kind of slipper? It might be right for some people, but not what Miss Chrissy was hoping for. So she decided to take her shopping expedition in a totally different direction.

And of course, she immediately thought of us Whimsies and headed right over to the section of the store with our “NB” clothing. She looked around a bit, and being that most of these items in J.C. Penney’s are priced at two, three, and even TEN times more than in the Thrift Store Boutique, it was hard to find something appropriate.

But then she saw these cute little blue jammies, in exactly the right size (NB), and thought “Hey! The Whims don’t have any BLUE jammies, so this would be perfect for them!”

I think maybe the reason we don’t have any blue jammies is because blue is usually a color worn by BOYS, and of course we Whimsies are NOT boys. But as you can see, these jammies are a nice soft blue color, covered in polar bears. Polar bears are not only for boys or girls, and we don’t mind polar bears, because they are so big, soft and cuddly. And as you can see, if you look really close, even the feet of these jammies have smiling polar bear faces on them! How cool is that?

Very cool, indeed! But here’s the coolest part of all: with the Coupon, Miss Chrissy paid absolutely NOTHING for this beautiful pair of brand new soft, comfortable, good-looking jammies! Absolutely nothing! You can’t do better than that, can you?

slipper2I’m wearing the jammies right now, but Tessie and Tillie are right behind me, patiently waiting their turn in the blue polar bear jammies. You all know how much I love PINK, but for the moment, I’m taking a short break from everything pink to bring a touch of whimsie to the color BLUE.

If it should happen that J.C. Penney’s sends Miss Chrissy another one of those great coupons, she says she’s going to run right back to the store and buy us some more jammies. Because she doesn’t need slippers any more, because she found some really comfy soft slippers (with backs, and soft bottoms, thank you very much!) at another store. And these slippers are speckled in PINK and have pictures of kitty kats all over them!

The Man likes to wear sweatshirts, and of course Mr. Squee always looks lovely in his shiny black fur coat. Then there are polar bear jammies, dinosaur jammies, and kitty kat slippers. Now, ALL of us in Whimsieville are fashionable ready for the cold weather!

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