whim1(Once again, the Whimsies got into their jammies and watched Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD with us on Tuesday night, and once again, they had a lot to say about it. I came in on the middle of the conversation…)

Tessie. O….M….G….guys!! Was Fitz cute tonight or WHAT?

Tillie. (rolling eyes) It’s official! Tess is crushing.

Tessie. I am! I’m not ashamed to admit it. Fitz is so…so cute! So adorkable! And tonight, he got to do so much, and showed that he’s even better at things than everyone thinks he is. I mean, we all know he’s good with machines and technology, but tonight he really used his brain! A lot!

Trixie. Yeah! I loved how he shut off the lights at just the right moment, and then fixed them, so the Russians were happy and they didn’t kill him and Ward.!fitzward

Tessie. And he got to shoot people!

Tillie. And so did Simmons! Though she wasn’t supposed to…

Trixie. Oh, poor Simmons! She was so worried about Fitz. What did Skye say? She’s…unraveling? Or she’s like a lost puppy.

Tessie. That’s exactly how it was! She was so cute! They were both so cute together. All that stuff about the sandwich. That was so cute.

Trixie. Yeah. Until Ward threw the sandwich in the water.

Tillie. He had to! He was protecting their lives! I don’t care how good a sandwich is, it’s not worth your life!

Tessie. And then later, when Simmons asked, Fitz told her the sandwich was good. He didn’t tell her it got thrown in the water.

Trixie. I guess he didn’t want to upset her any more. She was upset enough already.

Tillie. Well, one week you think you’re going to die and throw yourself out of an airplane, and then the next week you think your best buddy is going to die. I’d say she’s had a couple of tough weeks. fitsz1

Tessie. Yeah, but you know what I’m wondering? Didn’t it come out last week that it was SIMMONS who suggested they go into SHIELD, not the other way around? She told Fitz they’d get to see the world and all that. And they are! But didn’t she realize that being in a top secret government agency could mean they would be in danger now and then?

Tillie. That’s what I like about Fitz and Simmons. Even though they’re super-smart, much smarter than any of us will ever be, because they’re not super agent spies, like Ward and May, I think I can relate to them better. I can kind of put myself in their shoes.

Trixie. You know what I like about them? They’re always getting excited about things! Not normal things like we get excited about, like stories and music and dinosaurs and clothes, but still…it’s nice to see them getting excited.

Tessie. Yeah. Cos you know who never gets excited?

Tille. Well…all the rest of them?

Trixie. Except for Skye. She gets excited about stuff.

Tillie. Yeah, but it’s usually because she’s appalled by how SHIELD works!PROP

Trixie. What’s “appalled”?

Tillie. Upset. Annoyed.

Trixie. Oh yeah!! I’m with her there! I’m upset and annoyed at SHIELD. What were they thinking sending Ward and Fitz into danger and not planning to get them out? That wasn’t right!

Tessie. I agree. You know…I’m thinking, on the whole, I’m not really pleased with SHIELD right now. Not the show—I mean I love the show. I mean the SHIELD organization.

Tillie. What was it Coulson kept saying? “Trust the system.”

Trixie. (indignantly) Huh! I wouldn’t trust them as far as I can throw them!

Tessie. Neither would I!

Tillie. I really have to wonder…it seems to me that maybe all our agents are also getting a little fed up with it, too. I mean, we know Skye is not happy about how secret everything is, and the whole idea of risking your life and not even being told the whole story—

Trixie. —-and now even Agent Coulson is getting fed up! He told that SHEILD lady, the one with the glasses, that Ward and Fitz should have at least been told the whole story before they decided to risk their lives. You can just send someone on a job to die.

Tillie. That’s my point! They’re all starting to feel a little disillusioned. It makes me wonder where the show is going.

Tessie. What do you mean? Where COULD it go?

Tillie. Well, I wonder if our whole gang of agents isn’t going to start operating “outside the box” more and more.

Tessie. Well, they did tonight! When they flew in to rescue Fitz and Ward!

Tillie. We’ve seen it already, a few times. But I think we’re going to see that kind of thing more and more. Even from Agent Coulson.tahiti2

Trixie. Yeah, well, he’s sort of wondering why he can’t even access his own files about…”Tahiti.”

Tessie. Yeah! Did you catch that? When he said it was a magical—-place. He kind of hesitated. What do you think? Maybe he doesn’t believe it’s a magical place anymore?

Tille. He must think that something fishy is going on. That’s why he wanted to see his files. And now that he can’t see them, he’ll be thinking even more fishy stuff is going on.

Trixie. And there’s all that stuff about Skye’s parents too! Mysteries all around!

Tillie. Well, that’s good…right?

Trixie. I’m happy with mysteries.

Tessie. Me too. And it’s even better if with your mysteries you get some cute guys.

Tillie. (rolling her eyes again) Oh! So we’re back to that, are we?Sleepy-Hollow-Tom-Mison

Tessie. Don’t act all high and might, Miss Priss! We know you like cute guys too! Not just old Captain Pickard and that British guy from Sleepy Hollow!

Trixie. Yeah! We know you’ve been watching Miss Chrissy’s Sherlock movies!

Tillie. They’re good stories! Very good stories. And very well told.

Tessie. Oh! I’m sure!

Trixie. I like them too! Even though most of the time I have no idea what’s going on.

Tessie. Tillie thinks she’s pretty smart, and sometimes I think she is—at least a little bit smarter than you and me, Trix—but I’m sure she doesn’t always understand EVERYTHING that’s going on in those Sherlock shows. Do ya, Till?

Tillie. (sighing) Well…sometimes it is a little hard to follow…

Trixie. But…?

Tessie. Yeah! But….?

Tillie. But what?

Trixie. But you still watch them. Because…?

Tillie. Oh! Alright already! You got me!

Tessie. Cos Sherlock is so cute?

Tillie. He is! He’s annoying and stuck up, but…yeah. He’s cute. And he’s funny.tumblr_inline_mgsnvyKrOn1rsoysp

Trixie. And so is Watson! Well, he’s funny and cute. But not annoying and stuck up.

Tillie. Trix! What do you know about Watson?

Trixie. Haha! Till, you’ve been so absorbed watching those shows you didn’t even realize that me and Tess have been sitting right there beside you, also watching.

Tillie. You have?

Tessie. Yeah! And you’re crazy! Watson’s a lot cuter than Sherlock, any day!

(At this point I realized that the conversation was never going to get back to SHIELD, so I just smiled and went to bed, and left the Whimsies conversing far into the night over who was cuter, Sherlock or Watson, and wondering why they always find guys with British accents to be the most attractive. Hmmm….)

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