hat3The great thing about the internet is that you never know what you’re going to get. You may not begin by searching for Buried Treasure, but the more you putter and prod and poke around, one thing leads to another, and before you know it, that’s exactly what you’re unearthing: some wonderful Treasure you previously knew nothing about.

Sometimes I go back and try to figure out how did I ever get to this, anyway, but you know what? Sometimes that’s not important at all. Sometimes all that matters is to “Shut Up and Enjoy the Music!” So, right now I’m going to shut up, so you can sit back and enjoy this music. And these guys, and these crazy, crazy images. And then I’ll talk again, and tell you why I love them so much.

So, that’s it! Did you watch? What do you think?

Have you seen this before? I feel like I’ arriving late to the party, because this video’s been around for at least six years, and this band has been around for even longer. But, as they say…better late than never. Right?

This band is called OK Go which, when you think about it, is really the coolest name for a band. But even better than finding a band with a cool name is finding a band that plays good music, and makes the most awesome music videos. And plop on top of that: all the guys are sorta cute, so really….what’s not to like?

These guys are my new Favorite Boyfriends. I don’t really know a whole lot about them (besides that they play good music, and make the most awesome videos and are really cute), but sometimes that’s all you need to know.

Well, okay…I confess. Due to the vast availability of information on the Internet, I was able to do a quick unburying of more Treasure and found out they come from Chicago (more or less) and they once played at a birthday party for the President of the United States. (Very cool!) I don’t know all their names yet, but the lead singer (the one in the red pants, and by the way, how can you not love a guy that would wear red pants??) is named Damian Something Or Other. I wanted to look up at least that much in case I ever really get to meet him and take our casual Favorite Boyfriend status into something more serious. Just in case, I figured it would be good to know what to call him, besides “Hey! Cute Guy in the Red Pants!”

But the other guys are cute too, especially the Bald One With the Big Glasses. Yeah, I know, he’s not “cute” in the traditional kind of way, he’s more sort of “interesting” looking, rather than good looking, but if you haven’t got what it takes to pull off “good looking,” the next best way to go is interesting. It’s also adorable that he’s so much shorter than the rest of them.

But it’s not all about their looks! Really, it’s not…I’m not that shallow! A lot of my attraction to this band is how fascinating their videos are. They do a lot of videos like the one above, in “one long take,” which means there is no editing, the camera just keeps rolling, and they’ve got to get it ALL right, no stopping for mistakes. What discipline! What creativity! Though Mr. Russ The Man says he thinks some of their videos, particularly this one…

…could not have possibly be done all by one camera. It’s a mystery, it’s magic. In some way, I want to know how they did it, but in another way, I want to simply embrace the magic and say “Shut Up and Enjoy the Music!”

Somehow, Miss Chrissy also came late to this party, and does not have any OK Go in her Music Library. A sorry situation. It appears I’m going to have to sit down with Miss Chrissy and have a Serious Talk with her about setting all that straight, sooner rather than later. But, no worries there. It’s amazing how much Miss Chrissy and I share the same taste in music, so I know she’ll be easily persuaded to say “OK! Let’s GO get ourselves some new music!”

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