tillieavatar2aaapicardOkay, okay, I admit it already. Tessie and Trixie called me out during our last Round Table Discussion about SHIELD. I think they were just kidding about me having a crush on Captain Picard, and I didn’t say anything at the time, because I was getting sleepy and wanted to go to bed, but now I’ll admit it. YES! I’m a Captain Picard girl! So there!

Well, I guess I should start by acknowledging that having a crush on an older gentleman like Captain Picard is indeed rather non-conventional…for a Whimsie. But then, I like to think of myself as a non-conventional Whimsie! My background is a lot different than that of Tillie and Trixie. I was never mistreated, I was never traumatized. For years and years I lived with my Person, a girl named Jennifer, in a lovely sprawling ranch home in Connecticut, and both her parents were College Professors, and in fact, she went on to become a College Professor herself. During my time with Jennifer, I was exposed to a lot of upper crust stuff, a lot of Literature and fancy Music, and my tastes developed from there.

One taste that developed was this: I like smart guys. And who is smarter than Captain Picard? Well, I guess there probably are lots of people who are smarter, but sometimes just being smart is not good enough. Sometimes you have to know what to DO with those smarts. aaapicard-engage And Captain Picard always knows what to do. He’s always confident and in charge. I find that very attractive.

While I was living with my Person Jennifer in Connecticut, we watched a lot of Star Trek together. At first, we watched the one with Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock. During those shows, I would sit on the bed with Jennifer and we would watch together. Those were good times.

Later, when Star Trek The Next Generation came on, the one with Captain Picard, Jennifer was too Old to sit with me anymore, which was sort of sad, but I did have a very good vantage point from a shelf that reached almost to the ceiling. I saw a lot of good Star Trek episodes from there, and was always impressed by how much better Captain Picard was than Captain Kirk.

To me, Kirk was sort of full of himself. He was always coming on to women, and it kinda struck me as…sleazy. But with Picard, it was always the women that were interested in him! And usually he had to turn them down, because of course he was “married” to the Enterprise. I like a man who takes his job seriously.

aaaenterpriseAlso, from all I’ve seen of People, there are only a certain number that can look good with no hair, and Captain Picard is at the top of that list! Oh, and I also love his accent. And when he says, “Make it so.” It’s like, he doesn’t ask anyone HOW are you going to do it, or even CAN you do it, he just says, “Make it so.” He expects other people to know how to do their job, and do it the right way.

And I also like when he tugs on the bottom of his shirt. That’s so cute. LOL! You would never think about calling a refined gentleman like Captain Picard “cute,” but when he tugs on his shirt, well, you just have to admit: so cute!

I don’t necessarily know if I agree with everything in the Star Trek Universe. Some of it seems just too idealistic to me. But this appeals to me very much: everyone working together in peace and harmony, to discover new things, and make the world a better place. We get to see a few No-Good-Niks now and then in the Star Trek universe, but most of the time most of the people are all on the same page, working for the same goals. Everyone is so “self-actualized” (a term I learned from Jennifer’s parents) that they probably don’t even NEED leaders most of the time, they’ll just do the right thing because it IS the right thing.

That would be a perfect world, wouldn’t it? But for those times when leaders ARE needed, if you ask me, you can’t do better than Captain Jean Luc Picard!


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