
Already our New Year’s Resolutions are working out for us! If you’ll recall, last time Trixie promised that she was going to try to be a bit neater. Since then she’s spent a good deal of time cleaning up our room, and once the bed was cleared, Miss Chrissy surprised us with a special blanket! Not only is this a groovy new blanket for us, but it also has a deep History. And I’m going to tell it to you now.

As you know, “Tie-Dye” was a very popular theme in the 1960’s—back when Miss Chrissy was a girl. But, no, wait! This is not her blanket! This blanket actually belonged to her daughter, Mary, when Mary was a girl, back in the 1990’s. What does that tell us? That some things, that are truly groovy, never really go out of style, they just keep looping around and around, for each new generation to enjoy.

DIGITAL CAMERAMary enjoyed this blanket when she was a teenager, but now she is grown, and planning soon to move Cross-Country with her husband. She has held on to this blanket for all these years, simply because it IS so groovy, and because it has Sentimental Value. So she doesn’t want to get rid of it altogther, but at the same time, when you are planning a Cross-Country Move, it’s not always possible to take every little memento with you. Sometimes you have to make some harsh decisions.

But Mary is a smart girl (just like her mother,Miss Chrissy!) and came up with a way to “Have Her Cake and Eat It Too.” You see, a few days after Christmas, Miss Chrissy and The Man took a trip to visit Mary in the next state over, and while they were there, the Tie-Dye Blanket made an appearance. Miss Chrissy admired it, and said, “If you’re planning to get rid of that blanket, I’d like to have it! It would look great in the Whimsies’ room!”

Mary said, “I’m not planning to get rid of it, but tell you what: would you ‘babysit’ this blanket for me? The Whimsies can enjoy it as much as they like (as long as they promise to take good care of it), but it ever happens that I want it back—”

And Miss Chrissy said, “Yes! Yes! That will work perfectly!”

So, in this case, everybody wins. Mary wins because she has one less bulky blanket to pack up for her Cross-Country Move. Miss Chrissy wins because she now gets to enjoy this beautiful Tie-Dye blanket which not only reminds her of when she was a girl, but also reminds her of when her girl was a girl! And we Whimsies win, because we have a groovy new blanket here in our room in Whimsieville!

And one more thing: Miss Chrissy says she also wins because if it ever happens that Mary says she is ready to have her Tie-Dye blanket again, instead of simply boxing it up and sending it Cross-Country, she may just have to consider whether or not it’s time to make a Cross-Country vacation to deliver that seattleblanket in person! Not that she ever needs an “excuse” to visit her daughter, but such a situation could be the proverbial “Killing Two Birds With One Stone.”

(Editior’s Note: No actual cake was eaten, and no actual birds were killed during the writing of this blog post.)

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