aaatillhelpWe were very surprised last night when Miss Chrissy informed us that she and The Man would be staying home with us today. Why? we asked. Are you not feeling well?? Oh, no! Nothing like that. It’s just that today is a holiday called Labor Day. Labor Day?? What kind of a name is that for a holiday? It doesn’t sound like much of a holiday to us! But Miss Chrissy explained that it has something to do with people who have jobs, and Unions, which are organizations who protect people who have jobs, and in general it just celebrates the fact that we live in a wonderful country where most people can in fact have jobs.

Except for us Whimisies, of course. We don’t really have any jobs, except to enjoy life. Nice work if you can get it, right? 😉 But anyway, it got us thinking that perhaps we would like to have some jobs, at the very least help out around the house a little. Well, Miss Chrissy jumped on this idea right away! The first thing she said was that she was hoping to take this Day Off in order to organize her CD collection, which has gotten badly out of order, due to so much use. As you can see here, so many CD’s of music are in piles and piles on her desk. Well, I stepped right up to the challenge, because today I am all about doing a job, and this is just the kind of job for me! You see, Miss Chrissy aaatessplantalphabetizes her CD’s by Name of Artist, and alphabetizing is one skill at which I happen to excel! So I got right to work on the task….helping myself to some fun music on the headphones as I worked!

Tessie saw me hard at work and said, “Hey! What about me? What can I do?” Well, Miss Chrissy had a job for her too. As you can see here, Miss Chrissy has two Indoor Plants. She has recently moved them from the kitchen to our room, because our room gets much better sunlight. Not only that, but she and The Man have installed some room-darkening curtains in the living room and kitchen, so that when they want to watch College Football on Saturdays, there will not be a glare on the TV screen, and the whole place will seem more like a movie theater and less like a Sun Room.

But anyway, getting back to the plants, they have a new home in our room, and they seem to be making the adjustment very well, but it was time for them to have a drink. So Tessie got the honors of Watering the Plants. She also sat with them a while and talked with them, just to make sure they are doing okay. Tessie tells us that the Christmas Cactus is promising some beautiful flowers come Christmas time. Can’t wait to see that!

aaatrixbulbOf course, our jobs seemed much too tame for the likes of Trixie, our resident adventurer, so when she heard that a light bulb had gone out in the ceiling fan in the office, she was all over it. She climbed right up the ladder and changed out that bulb, lickety-split! (As you can see, though, she wisely had someone to “spot” her, just for safety’s sake.)

Later, Trixie told us that it was actually a little bit scary being that high up, and she was very happy to take a seat and gather up the torn packaging from the new light bulb, aaatrixbulb2and throw it in the trash. She was all about taking the trash right out to the curb, until Mr. Squee reminded her that an annoying little dog has recently moved into the neighborhood, and though he generally keeps to himself, you never know when he might Get Loose. At that point, Trixie decided to be not quite so much of an adventurer, and left Trash Removal to The Man.

aaatesspolishWhile all this was going on, Tess found herself another job, polishing the living room table! You remember what I said about Football Saturdays being like a movie theater around here? Well, this past Saturday was the first Saturday of College Football Season, and in keeping with the movie-theater theme, Miss Chrissy and The Man enjoyed some popcorn during the game. Now, of course, we Whimsies do not eat, so we have no idea what popcorn tastes like, but I can confirm that it certainly does smell good! However, popcorn is one of those foods that is greatly helped along by a good dollop of melted butter, and some of that melted butter got on the table. No problem! Tessie found the furniture polish and got that table back in tip-top shape!

Meanwhile, Trixie got back to work helping to fold some laundry. Here she is with a mountain of freshly laundered towels! She also helped put some of Miss Chrissy’s skirts on hangers, but when all was said and done, she decided she’d had enough of high spaces for one day, and allowed Miss Chrissy to hang her own skirts in the closet, rather than reaching for those high places!aaatrixhelp

Now, I just told you that Miss Chrissy and The Man have recently put up some curtains, but in fact, the job was not completed until just a few minutes ago when we hung the very last curtain on the last window. You see, they had purchased only a few curtains at first, just to make sure they really liked them and they were really going to work the way they should, aaatilldrilland after a week or so they decided Yes! This is the way to go with curtains, so they went back to the store and got the last of the needed curtains, and we hung them today. I say “we,” because as you can see here, I helped. I held the drill for Miss Chrissy and handed it up to her when needed, after all the measuring was done. I also handed her the screws. And let me tell you—Trixie can take care of light bulbs on her own! I’m not interested in getting any higher than this top step of the utility ladder!

Well, after all this hard work by one and all, I’d say it’s time to relax! So what could be better on a day of labor than a nice nap when all the labor is done? So, we’ve put on our jammies, and though he didn’t actually help with anything at all today (aside from taking a supervisory role when aaasqueehis Cat Condo was moved away from the window so the curtains could be hung), Mr. Squee also settled down with us, heartily agreeing with the idea of a nap! But then again…doesn’t he always? As a cat, Mr. Squee never needs an excuse for taking a nap, any more that us Whimsies need an excuse for having fun! Even when that fun is…hard work!

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