1025tillcoulson shadesTessie has just shared with you her thoughts about why Fitz from Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD is her Favorite Boyfriend. I also have a Favorite Boyfriend from the show, but he’s much more mature. I like Agent Phil Coulson best of all. And what’s not to like? He is a fearless leader who is willing to take chances and “think outside the box.” He always seems to be in complete control, and nothing rattles him.

Except when it does, like when he started to find out more about what really happened to him after he died. Up till now, he’s always been a Company Man, saying “You’ve got to trust the system.” But now he’s not so sure that the system can be trusted, so we get the impression that he’s going to start to go off on his own a bit…a RENEGADE! I can’t wait to see what happens when our smart and fearless leader loosens up and starts to ACT outside the box!

There is so much potential for Agent Coulson, with the entire SHIELD team behind him and totally devoted to him, to go places and make changes that have never before happened in this Marvel Universe. I can’t wait to see where we go from here!

coulson1But that’s not what I came here to talk about, is it? Let’s talk instead about how cute Agent Coulson is! Yes, I know he’s “middle aged,” so it’s hard to imagine that a Whimsie would think of him as a Boyfriend, but at the same time, there is something youthful and impishly adorable about him! He’s short, so his physical presence is not overpowering. That’s part of what makes him cute. And also…what a great smile! And always a sparkle in his eye!

coulson capI like also that he has this fascination with the superheroes of the past. He has a lot of Marvel Memorabilia that he collects in his office. Remember in The Avengers movie, what a fan-boy he was when he met Captain America? That was cute! He has such a respect for all superheroes—as someone in his position should! But he takes it to the next level, and I like that about him.

Oh! And let’s not forget: he has a car named Lola…that flies! Having a Boyfriend with a car is always a plus. Having a Boyfriend with a really cool car is an even bigger plus. But nothing beats a Boyfriend with a car that FLIES! And he always looks so cool when he’s flying around in his car, with his aviator shades, looking like, “Oh yeah…my car is flying…no big deal…”
coulson lola

But it is a big deal, and everything about Agent Phil Coulson is a big deal. He is deceptively unimposing on the outside, which makes it only more surprising and delightful when you find out what he can do, and what he WILL do, for the good of all mankind.

My SHIELD Boyfriend may not have any bona-fide “superpowers” like Iron Man or Thor, and he may not even have the “super-smarts” of Tessie’s Boyfriend Leopold Fitz, but it’s impressive how much heart and courage he is willing to employ in order to do his job to the best of his ability. And his job is not being the manager of the local grocery store, or selling insurance—his job is keeping the world safe from every kind of threat from both super-villains, and just ordinary bad guys. That he does… and he looks good doing it! What more could we possibly ask from our most enchanting non-superhero?

coulson shield

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