3After what many here in Whimsieville considered a disappointing offering of Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD last week, we were all delighted to find the show back in full form this week. The Whimsies were especially delighted…

TRIXIE. Well! That was more like it! Wouldn’t you say?

TILLIE. Absolutely! There was nothing about that episode I didn’t enjoy!

TESSIE. It was great! There was so much of what we like about the show in this episode. So much humor, so much drama—

TILLIE. So much Fitz?

TESSIE. Well…yes! There was a lot of Fitz, and a lot of Simmons, and it’s no secret that they’re my favorite characters. So there!

TRIXIE. They both had some pretty funny lines, you have to admit.31

TILLIE. I liked when Fitz said that Simmons was smarter than him, because she loves homework more than life itself.

TESSIE. (giggling) That was pretty funny!

TILLIE. That reminded me of Jennifer. She was really smart and liked homework too. But she was never as smart as Fitz or Simmons.

TRIXIE. They were the youngest students to ever come out of that Academy. And they’re like superstars to the kids who are there now!

TESSIE. (giggling) Yeah, that was pretty cool. Super-nerd super-stars!

TILLIE. I really liked how they surprised you with what was going on in that story. Remember? At first we thought it was another kid freezing that really smart kid.

TRIXIE. Yeah, we thought it was the girl who wouldn’t go in the pool.

TILLIE. And then Miss Chrissy said she thought that would be too easy, so it was probably someone else…like maybe one of the teachers.

TRIXIE. And the man pointed out that we had only met one teacher so far, the black lady with the British accent.Keep-calm-and-carry-on-scan

TESSIE. Hey! Why does everyone have a British accent?

TRIXIE. I don’t know. Maybe because the Academy is in Britain?

TILLIE. (getting back on track) And then what happened? It turned out it was the smart kid, and that other kid, the one who got his leg frozen in the pool, who were behind it all.

TESSIE. Yeah! They did it all just so Fitz would come visit and give them the answer to the problem about how to make their machine work.

TRIXIE. And it worked! Their plan worked, and their machine worked!

TESSIE. That was kind of scary, actually, when the machine worked and made that big storm. That was a scary storm.

TRIXIE. (suddenly serious) I don’t like storms. I don’t like thinking about rain…and getting wet…

TILLIE. (comforting Trixie) Not to worry, Trix. Here in Whimsieville, we’re safe. Even from big storms. green-skies

TESSIE. (comforting Trixie) And besides, that was not a REAL storm. A real storm WOULD be scary, but that was a TV/Movie storm. Lots of special effects.

TILLIE. It’s fake.

TRIXIE. Yeah…fake…

TILLIE. (wisely changing the topic) Anyway! What about our other story? About Skye? Did we find out a lot about her?

TESSIE. I don’t know. Did we? We found out that SHIELD has been protecting her all these years, but we haven’t found out WHY.

TILLIE. And why is she a…what is it called?….an “0-8-4”?

TRIXIE. An 0-8-4 is an object of unknown origin. Remember? From like the second episode.

TILLIE. Yeah, we remember. But what does it mean?

TESSIE. Does it mean she’s an alien?

TILLIE. Or does it just mean she’s of unknown origin? Like…nobody knows who her mother and father are, so she’s of “unknown origin.”

TRIXIE. Yeah, but somebody’s trying to KILL her. Trying to kill her so much that a bunch of SHIELD agents got killed trying to protect her when she was a baby. So…why?

TESSIE. That’s what I want to know. Why??

TILLIE. Well, that’s what this show excels at, isn’t it? Giving you an answer that only makes you ask more questions.

TRIXIE. How true! I have so many questions!

TESSIE. Right! And let’s not even get into the questions we have about the coming attractions!

TRIXIE. OMG! OMG! Who is our favorite old man in all the world?313

TILLIE. That’s an easy question! Obvious answer: Stan Lee!

TRIXIE. Of course! And he’s going to be on the next SHIELD show!

TESSIE. Just like he’s in all those movies.

TRIXIE. THIS should be fun! I can’t wait to see him!

TESSIE. I know. Trixie’s in love with Stan Lee.

TRIXIE. I am! He’s one of My Favorite Boyfriends!

TILLIE. You should write about it, Trix.

TRIXIE. I think I will! But if I do, then you need to write about how Agent Coulson is your Favorite Boyfriend!

TILLIE. I will! And then Tessie should write about how Fitz is her Favorite Boyfriend!

TESSIE. I will! In fact, I think we all have a lot of writing to do, don’t we?Quill_(PSF)

TILLIE. We do…we do…We should get some sleep, because I think tomorrow’s going to be a big writing day.

TRIXIE. Good idea, Till. We should sleep.

TESSIE. Yeah. We should sleep…

But of course the Whimsies were so wound up there was no way they were getting to sleep any time soon. They stayed up long past the time Mr. Squee walked by and rolled his eyes and curled up into a cat-ball at their feet to begin his nighttime snoozing session. They stayed up looking at comic books, and talking about Boyfriends, and watching their favorite parts in their favorite movies on their new Blu-ray player.

The Man and I had to go to sleep because we had to wake up early the next day to go to work. In the morning, I found the Whimsies all konked out, with Thor on the Blu-ray, comics strewn all about, and Mr. Squee still curled up, snoring at their feet. Ah! To be a cat! Ah! To be a Whimsie!

Life is good in Whimsieville.

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