denimtill denimtrix denimtess

Last time I went to the Thrift Store Boutique, I found the Whims this cute litte demin dress. It’s not often you can find dresses in size NB, and since it was On Sale for a Very Good Price, I snapped it right up. The dress looked like it would fit them, but that it would be a bit long. I guess I’m getting to know the Whims pretty good now, because that’s exactly how it fits.

A little Whimsie in a long dress is a peculiar sight. Seeing them workin’ this denim dress, they look so grown up…yet at the same time…as I say, peculiar. This dress strikes me almost as a costume, something they would wear when pretending to be something they’re not. I know from experience that the Whimsies love to dress up in costumes, but this “costume” doesn’t seem quite elaborate enough for Halloween.

To my eyes, Tessie, with her colorful scarf, looks like a 1960’s movie star, out for a Saturday afternoon’s shopping at a local flea market. All that’s missing is her oversized incognito sunglasses. Tillie, with her colorful beret, evokes an earth mother hippie…and Trixie, with her hair in pigtails, could be the member of some strange religious cult.

Am I wrong? What do you think?

As it turns out, a little research proves this particular dress is not exactly size NB (Never Bigger), but rather it is a dress for a DOLL. It seems there is a doll company called My Twinn that will customize a doll to look exactly like a little girl, and then the two of them can wear the same outfits! What a great idea for little girls whose parents can afford such an extravagance! It would seem, though, that the My Twinn dolls are somewhat taller than Whimsies—who, by the way, are NOT babies, and are NOT children, and neither are they DOLLS, and they will thank you to remember that.

Whimsies are like nothing else in the world. They are just Whimsies. Pure and simple.

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