Miss Chrissy here. Well! It’s been a very busy week here in Whimsieville, and nobody has had much sleep! But let’s start at the beginning.

Yes, as Tillie mentioned last time, we have been expecting a new family member, via the E Bay Adoption Agency. Once the paperwork was completed, we knew it would be several days before our new Whimsie arrived via USPS. First, there was the waiting. And waiting and waiting.

The Whimsies were extremely restless during this time, first doing what they could to tidy up and make Whimsieville look as pretty as possible, and then spending an inordinate amount of time trying to decide what kinds of outfits they should wear to meet their new friend.

bbtootSince the Whimsie we are adopting was pictured wearing a fancy dress, there was some thought that perhaps the Whims should also dress up in their fanciest dresses, so the new Whim would feel right at home. But Tillie kept saying she felt almost positive this new Whim was her old friend Tootsie, who is quite a tomboy, usually liking to hang out in soft tee shirts and dungarees. If indeed this was Tootise, how would she feel being greeting by a bunch of snooty-looking princess-type Whimsies?? No, it was decided, finally, that the better choice would be to prepare outfits of soft shirts and dungarees—-pardon me, blue jeans.

But a backup plan was also hatched. If the new Whim arrived, and it was determined that she was NOT, in fact, the tomboy Tootsie, but really a snooty princess-type, then everyone would rush back to the wardrobe and quickly change into their Sunday Best. There would be a lot of disappointment if this turned out to be the case, especially for Tillie, who was so hoping to see her old friend Tootsie again— but really, this would have been a disappointment for everyone, because nobody was actually looking forward to a snooty princess-type personality. That just doesn’t really fit here in Whimsieville, does it?

But have no fear! For we have NOT enlarged our group in a snooty way. Turns out, Tillie’s intuition was right all along. Our new Whimsie friend IS, in fact, the tomboy Tootsie, and she fits right in!

Here’s how it happened.

One day, several days ago, the USPS Travel Case arrived at Whimsieville, and the three Whimsies were all aflutter, running back and forth, changing into their dungarees, and checking their hair in the mirror. It was decided that I would take the Traveling Case and open it on my own, without the others around, so as not to alarm the poor traveler with too much commotion at first. You see, after being stuck in a Traveling Case for several days—all three Whimsies have informed me—it’s somewhat disconcerting to finally be let out, to bbboxstretch your arms and legs, and see the light of day. It’s sort of a scary thing, traveling that way, not really knowing where you’re going, and getting all jostled around. So we wanted the new Whim to have a pleasant transition into her new surroundings.

As the three Whimsies waited anxiously in the next room, trying to keep their whispering to a minimum, I put the box on the table and carefully began to open it. But before I even had much of a chance to say or do anything, the traveler popped up from the inside of the box and exclaimed, “Hello there, kind Human! And thank you so much for releasing me from that Traveling Case! It was starting to get a little stuffy in there!”
Surprised by her forthright manner, I managed to say, “Only too glad to help!”

“I suppose I have arrived at my destination?” said the chatty Whimsie.

“Yes! You have!” I answered. “This is Whimsieville. And my name is Miss Chrissy.”

“Very glad to meet you, Miss Chrissy!” smiled the new Whimsie. Then, taking a deep breath, she added, “And my name, I’m sure you are wondering….my name is…my name is…”

She seemed to falter a moment, as if she could not quite remember her own name. I wondered if perhaps the traveling had scrambled her brain! But then, no…she seemed so personable and in control otherwise. I waited for her to finish her sentence.

Whimsies are almost always smiling, but for just a moment, this Whimsie’s smile seemed to darken, as she finally spit out, with a sort of sigh, “And my name is…Temperance.”

My eyes widened. “Is it?” I asked.

bbmeetWhat could this mean? What would Tillie think? But then I remembered what Tillie had said, something about her friend Tootsie having a “real name” that did not at all suit her…

Before I could wonder about this for too long, I heard the scuffle of little Whimsie feet behind me, and then I heard Tillie boldly exclaiming, “Oh, I think not, you Big Silly! Temperance might have been the name someone gave you long, long ago, but as far as I’m concerned, you’ll always be…TOOTSIE!!

Our new Whimsie’s eyes lit up, and her smile almost popped off her face as she jumped up and down in her Traveling Case, screaming, “Tillie! Tillie! Oh my oh my! Is it really you, Tillie??”

Tootsie jumped out of her Traveling Case and bounded off the table and she and Tillie flew into each other’s arms, hugging and laughing, and eventually crying because they were so happy to finally see each other again. It was very emotional.

After that, there was a lot of Whimsie jabbering, talking so fast that I could barely understand what either of them were saying, and this went on for quite a while, until finally,bbgroup I noticed Tessie and Trixie slowly tiptoeing into the room, almost afraid to break up the happy reunion, but at the same time, so anxious to meet their new friend.

Tillie saw Tessie and Trixie and exclaimed, “Oh Tootsie! Tootsie! Now you have to meet my new friends!”

They all met together in one big conglomeration of Whimsieness and again there was all that jabbering that I couldn’t keep up with, so eventually I just sighed and laughed and left the four of them alone.

Some hours later, the four of them came to me, still jabbering about all kinds of things, and it soon became clear that the fancy dress was in fact somebody else’s idea of making Tootsie look more presentable for the Adoption Agency, and the poor thing couldn’t wait to get into some more comfortable clothing.

bbbathIt was determined that after so much time in a dusty attic (Tootsie will tell you more about that soon, when she settles down and gets to join us here on the Whimsieville website) and also after all that time traveling, the thing Tootsie wanted more than anything else was a bath. So she got all cleaned up, and since blue is her favorite color, Tillie chose the lovely polar bear jammie for her to wear.

Looking so much more comfortable, Tootsie said that before she did anything else in regards to exploring her new surroundings, she just wanted to Rest and Relax for a little while. The others joined her, also changing into soft jammies.

bbcouchAt first, Tootsie and Tillie sat together on the couch and continued their Gab Fest. There was so much catching up to do! Tessie and Trixie understood, and didn’t mind being excluded for a while. They each recalled what it had been like when they first got to Whimsieville. Tessie remembered how she felt when she discovered that her old friend Chrissy had actually adopted her, and how happy she was, and how much catching up there was for us to do. Then Trixie remembered how it was when she arrived in Whimsieville and found that she had been reunited with her old friend Tessie, whom she had known for some time in the Hoard. All in all, this was an evening of many, many happy remembrances.

But the evening wore into night, and there was still so much jabbering going on, that in the middle of the night, I had to tell the girls on the couch to “Shhhh…” because nobody was able to sleep. They apologized and lowered their voices, but when The Man and I woke up in the morning, we found the two of them still whispering up a storm!

The Man and I had to go off to Work (because our lives make their lives possible), but when we got home later that day, we found that the four Whimsies were now hanging out together as a group, still jabbering. My goodness! Would the party never end! It seems this went on for another day or two, and bbsqueeseveral times I still had to go into their room and tell them to “Shhhh…” but eventually they all calmed down, and then they all slept and slept for hours and hours on end.

At last! Peace and quiet in Whimsieville!

Now the Whimsies have awoken again, and things seem to be just about back to normal. Tillie and her pals are taking Tootsie all over, showing her the library, introducing her to Mr. Squee, playing with the pet dinosaurs. There is so much for our new Whimsie to see and do and learn!

But that’s another story, which we’ll get to eventually. For the moment, it’s enough to say that we have a new friend here in Whimsieville, her name is Tootsie, and she’s fitting in just fine!

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