tillicon3First of all you should know, the title of this post is not a reference to a 1980’s punk band, or a quirky “buddy flick.” Till now, Tessie and Trixie have taken much better advantage of our new “Wonderful World of Whimsies” category than I have, but after recently browsing around on the internet, I have found THREE Whimsies I want to talk about a bit, and each for a very different reason.

Whimsie_Freddie_Ebay1So, to start off, let’s take a look at this fellow. His name is Freddie, and he’s a Friar. The first thing you’ll notice about him is that he is a BOY. Here in Whimsieville, we all feel that the jury is still out on boy Whimsies. Some of them, especially the ones with half-closed eyes, don’t look very trustworthy.

But this one does. First of all, his eyes are wide open. Always a plus. Next, he’s a Friar. A Friar is a kind of priest or monk, a holy man, a good person. I don’t think Freddie would have chosen such a profession unless he really wanted to help people. Not that we here in Whimsieville NEED any help that we can’t get from each other, but it’s nice to know that help is available from Freddie, for anyone who might require it.

friarPreviously, Trixie told you about a certain Whimsie who was a devil –girl, and her hair was a most alarming shade of red. Freddie also has what is commonly referred to as “red hair,” but as you can see here, it’s really mostly orange. They call this being a “carrot top.” Carrots are a very healthy and delicious vegetable (or so we’ve been told by Miss Chrissy, because, as you know, we Whimsies don’t actually eat food…) so I guess having hair the same color as a healthy and delicious vegetable comes down on the side of being a good thing.

freddie_3_tmbFreddie also wears a little bell around his waist, as you can see in this close-up detail. I must confess, this made me feel a bit envious. I wish I had a little bell to wear! How nice it would be to ring a sweet-sounding, tinkling little bell every time…oh, I don’t know….maybe whenever something strikes my fancy as magnificent or wonderful? Of course, then, I might be ringing that little bell all day long! That would eventually drive everybody crazy! So, maybe it’s a good thing I don’t have a bell.

As for Freddie, though, I’ll bet he rings that bell whenever he finds someone who needs help, and all his fellow Friars come rushing in to assist in any way they can. At least I hope so. It’s nice to think of a Whimsical World where everyone is always helping each other.

Moving right along…

bettyNext, I present to you Betty the Beauty! Very much different than Freddie the Friar. And just take a look at her! Isn’t she beautiful? What dark, raven hair! And so much of it! I don’t think I have ever before seen a Whimsie with so much raven hair! So dramatic! And if dramatic is the look you’re going for, how about those sunglasses? Betty looks like a movie star in her bathing suit and sandals! And as you can see, she is indeed a “Beauty,” for it seems she has won some sort of contest. I can’t quite make out what her winning ribbon says, but I’m sure it’s some kind of Major Award.

The thing I like best about Betty (besides her raven hair and dramatic sunglasses) is how very relaxed and happy she looks, hanging out in her bathing suit. She looks like she is just ready to take a swim in the pool! Now, as you know, some of us here in Whimsieville are not big fans of swimming, so in a way I’m glad we don’t have a pool, because even though I might consider a dip (if I happened to have such a beautiful bathing suit, like Betty does…) I wouldn’t feel right indulging in a swim, when others around me might not want to do the same. (Trixie.) So I will leave the swimming to Betty, who clearly can do it with much more style than I could ever muster!braid

Finally, how about this little Whimsie? Notice what a long a beautiful braid she has hanging down the right side of her head. Of course, you’ll also notice that she has practically NO hair on the left side! Oh, the poor dear! I wonder what happened…Still, I think she is certainly making the best of a bad situation by letting her hair grow so very long in a Rapunzel-like braid. When you look at her, that beautiful braid is the first thing you see. It must have taken her a long, long time to grow that long, long braid.

I wonder if the braid continues to grow while she is sleeping? Because clearly she enjoys her sleep. Such lovely red pajamas! But unfortunately, she cannot see how nice her jammies look, because her eyes are closed, and she is asleep. But I’m sure she feels quite comfortable in those red jammies, because there is a huge grin on her face. I’m sure she’s having the most pleasant dreams. She’s probably dreaming her braid has grown to such lengths that she can use it to play jump rope with her other Whimsie friends. Oh what fun!

Well, that’s it for now. And speaking of fun…this certainly was! I hope you’ve all enjoyed seeing some more of the vast diversity that exists within the Wonderful World of Whimsies as much as I’ve enjoyed sharing it with you!

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